An equivalent serving of regular table salt (sodium chloride) contains 393 mg. of sodium. The human body requires 500 mg. of sodium per day. The recommended maximum intake of sodium, for a person affected by hypertension, is 2,400 mg. per day (1/2 tsp of table salt). This includes the salt used in cooking and at the table. The average quantity of salt that is ingested is between 2,300 and 6,900 mg. per day. Bonsalt contains 448 mg. of potassium per a 1gr. serving (1/4 tbs). This is approximately the same amount of potassium contained in a 100 gr. of potatoes or in one medium size banana. The minimum amount of potassium recommended for adults is 2,000 mg. per day.
A success, Bonsalt opens new possibilities for people on diets. Individuals subject to restrictions in the consumption of common salt can now find an effective answer in Bonsalt. The accomplishment in the development of Bonsalt follows numerous years of research in the nutritional field.
The bonsalt generation can now enjoy a new alternative to the consumption of common salt. With Bonsalt, “The salt for diets”, we are, also, heading in the right direction to prevent hypertension. In addition to providing an opportunity for the consumption of a salt without sodium, it generates positive results in the processing of body liquids.